Stray Paws Alliance
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
- Mahatma Gandhi -
At Stray Paw, our goal is to reduce the suffering of community cats by providing free spay/neuter services. Thanks to our TNR Strong Program, we have been able to assist thousands of cats and prevent their unnecessary suffering. Our program offers free spay/neuter services to El Monte and surrounding communities, which have shown significant results in minimizing the unnecessary deaths of countless cats. We have witnessed the positive impact of implementing Trap, Neuter, and Return in communities, and we are proud to provide humane services. If you would like to donate to TNR Strong click the link below.
At TNR Unity, we are committed to collaborating with other organizations to achieve our mission of promoting spay/neuter services. Our goal is to make a significant impact and bring about positive change to communities in need. The Spay Shuttle is a vital tool in our work to trap, neuter, and return community cats, and TNR Unity was established to expand its reach to underserved areas. We are proud to partner with organizations like Luxe Paws, and our efforts have already made a difference in the Downtown LA area. If you would like to support our cause, please consider making a donation by clicking on the link below.
Our program was designed to help Pet and Rescue Cats in the Los Angeles area receive discounted spay/neuter services. We have recognized the urgent need for this service, as many pet owners struggle to find affordable options. Our SP Spay/Neuter clinics aim to provide pet owners with access to affordable spay/neuter services and the necessary vaccinations. With the help of vouchers, we are able to offer discounted spay/neuter services to all Los Angeles residents. If you would like to contribute to our cause, please donate to SP Spay/Neuter Clinics today.
At SP Wellness, we offer discounted to free vaccine clinics to the community. We have received feedback from participants who are extremely grateful for the opportunity to vaccinate their pets against common diseases. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay updated on our upcoming wellness clinics, scheduled for 2024. We are thrilled to offer general pet checkups and services to keep your beloved animals healthy and happy.